BodyTalk OnLine Book
BodyTalk Book

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10


Chapter 9 A

Part 1 To Part 2

What can BodyTalk help - Module 1

  1. EGT (Essential general treatments) 
These are considered the Essential General Treatments that begin every BodyTalk treatment. As you will see when I discuss them, they prepare the patient for any form of treatment by correcting the essential elements necessary for the body to heal. I firmly believe that they are essential for all therapies. If any heath care practitioner of any modality prepared their patient using these techniques, I am certain that their results would be dramatically improved because they would have a bodymind ready for therapy. 

Reports I have received from practitioners have constantly affirmed this statement. Chiropractic adjustments hold better and correct easier; Acupuncture treatments work faster; homeopathic remedies act quicker; drugs respond better with fewer side effects; patients recover from surgery quicker and with less complications; massage and rolfing have far greater impact; rehabilitation is faster; emotions, phobias, and mental disorders respond to therapy faster and less traumatically. Why this occurs will become obvious as you read on. 

    1. SB joint 
This important technique will be covered in detail later in this book. Briefly, this technique improves the breathing pattern of the body by releasing critical sections of the skull that move in synchronicity with the breathing cycle. When measured with a respirometer, it can often show a 30% or greater respiratory output after treatment. It also affects the function of the pituitary gland and, therefore, the whole endocrine system. Case history: Jenny was attending a BodyTalk workshop and routinely did the SB joint correction in class. She immediately became excited and loudly proclaimed "I can breathe". She then explained that as long as she could remember, breathing in deeply required a lot of effort. She was not really asthmatic but was often short of breath and found deep breathing a chore. As soon as the SB joint correction was done, deep breathing was effortless and, to her, exhilarating!

Case history: Susan was 12 years old and had the body of an 8 year old. At eight years her pituitary stopped functioning. Although she was on a cocktail of hormones prescribed by an endocrinologist, she was still gravely ill and weak. After the SB correction she felt shooting pains inside her head in the approximate location of the pituitary gland. Within two months her pituitary gland was functioning normally and her body was on the process of total recovery.

    1. Switching 
Our left brain is that part of the brain found in both cortexes that is considered to handle the normal linear functions of the brain, routine calculations, and day to day simple conscious activity. The right brain involves the intuition, creativity, daydreaming, visualization, and complex brain activity.

Normally, the body is constantly switching back and forward between the two ‘brains’ and we go smoothly from simple functions to complex reasoning and visualization. When we overdo it and over stress ourselves, the body ‘switches’ and stops that smooth transition and we seem to ‘lose it’. Our thoughts become cloudy and our focus poor. This is the brain’s way of telling us that we need a break. Need to replenish our glucose levels and rest.

For some people, the stress threshold that causes switching is too close to normal activity. These people ‘switch’ too easily and find themselves constantly losing focus and concentration. Just the stress of having to do an exam will cause them to ‘switch’ and perform badly. This is common with students or people working in stressful, performance related jobs.

This technique improves the threshold that causes the switching. Once it is corrected, the brain switches less easily and the patient’s performance capacity is increased. This techniques is vital in health care because the patient is often stressed from the disease they have or even the stress of going to a practitioner. When the body is in the ‘switched’ mode, it has poor focus and healing ability. The patient will therefore not respond appropriately to the treatment given, often confusing the treatments and giving unusual results or reactions. By ‘unswitching’ the patient at the beginning of a treatment session, the practitioner can be sure that the body will respond appropriately to the techniques administered or prescribed.

    1. Vivaxis 
This is covered in this book in detail. Briefly, the vivaxis technique is designed to reorientate the body to its surrounds. Many people are found to be out of synch with the energy fields surrounding them such as the magnetic fields of the earth. It seems to primarily affect those who have moved from their birth place into new energy fields that they were not able to adapt to. The main effect of vivaxis disorientation seems to be the holding of chronic disease in the body and homesickness! It does seem to help in ‘jet lag’ as well as helping people to settle into a new home or environment. 

It is part of the Essential General Treatments because it can stop the improvement of chronic diseases if the vivaxis is a factor with the patient.

Case history: Ann had a history of fibromyalgia that was unresponsive to the many heath care systems she had tried. She also mentioned that although she had been living in Australia for 23 years and had all her family here, she always felt very homesick for England and like a ‘fish out of water’ where she lived.

When the vivaxis correction was made, the homesickness disappeared, never to return. Further, she started responding positively to her treatments.

    1. Basic cortex correction 
This is one of the fundamental techniques and is used, in various ways, extensively in BodyTalk. Essentially, it is about repairing the brain from the perspective of the communication between the two hemispheres.

By balancing and correcting any faults between the two hemispheres that the innate wisdom of the body requests, we are able to help the body recover from many serious diseases and malfunctions. We also greatly enhance the general functioning of the brain and the circulation of blood, cerebrospinal fluid, and nerves within it. One of the most common expressions I hear after correction is that the patient suddenly "feels clearer in the head," or "has a greater sense of well-being."

Once this is corrected, the brain will be far more responsive to any therapy. I personally would never touch a patient until I have at least corrected the basic cortexes. I have found it to be that significant. This technique will be enthusiastically covered in more detail later.

    1. Hydration 
Water therapy is often talked about but little understood. We always give lip service to the importance of water intake and most people think that simply means ‘fluid intake’ based on the supposition that all fluid contains water and therefore helps to supply the water needs of the body. The fact is that coffee, tea, some herb teas, and sodas contain caffeine or caffeine like substances. Caffeine is a dehydrating agent that increases the function of the kidneys causing dehydration. Therefore, the drinking of these beverages without supplementary pure water has the final effect of dehydrating the tissues and cells.

Many people seem to think of water as merely a solvent, a packaging material, and means for transportation of other substances in the body. Most emphasis is placed on proteins, minerals and vitamins. The fact is that water is vital in energy production in the cells, metabolism, emotional synthesis, lymph circulation, and in neurotransmission.

Many patients will tell you that they drink plenty of water because they have read about the importance of water. Some of theses patients seem to have fluid retention because they have far too much fluid in their body. Yet, when I test them for hydration, the test says they are very dehydrated! The other problem is that drinking large glasses of water often doesn’t rehydrate them - it just makes them feel sick. This is like the reaction of the person found in the desert and given a large amount of water - the body reacts.

This hydration problem occurs because of poor osmosis in the cell membranes. Much of the fluid is staying between the cells and not transporting through the cell membrane into the intracellular space where the action occurs. The water is in the body but not being used in the right places.

This simple technique corrects that problem and helps the body to utilize the water effectively. It is, therefore, fundamental to any treatment system as the body cannot possibly respond effectively to any treatment when the body is dehydrated. This technique is taught later in this book.

Case history: Gary had chronic headaches, a pressure feeling in the head, and tiredness. He noted that he always seemed thirsty and that whenever he drank alcohol or sodas, his headaches increased in intensity. He had read about the water factor and had greatly increased his water intake. This improved his condition greatly but it never lasted. He constantly needed huge amounts of water to relieve his condition. He was putting on weight with fluid retention!

After a BodyTalk hydration treatment his body return to normal. He needed a normal intake of water, his thirst, headaches, and tiredness went.

    1. Scars and clothing 
This techniques treats unhealthy scars and identifies whether on not certain articles of clothing or jewelry are detrimental to the health of the patient or could be interfering with the effectiveness of the treatment.

Unhealthy scars block the flow of energy along the meridian energy pathways and inhibit the function of all the areas supplied by that meridian. Unhealthy scars will also upset the energic hologram of the body by interfering with the general balance of energy throughout the body. 

Many health problems have started since a scar has partially blocked the flow of energy through the body. Scars usually do not heal well when there is an emotional upset going on at the time the cut is formed whether it be from an accident or surgery. This is one of the most overlooked and least understood aspects of health care. I have personally treated thousands of scars with amazing results. Often the scar treatment would be all that is necessary to correct the health problem. This very important simple treatment will be covered later and I feel sure will be one of your favorites!

Case history: Jim cut his finger when he offered to help his wife in the kitchen. It was only a nick at the base of his finger nail on the first finger. It infuriated him because it would not stop bleeding and it ruined the potatoes he had peeled. He stormed out of the kitchen and the bleeding eventually stopped.

About a month later Jim started having problems with his intestines with pain and tenderness. This eventually worsened and he saw his doctor. After another few months the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome was made and he was on constant medication. After three years he was told he may need a section of his bowel removed as the only means of giving him relief.

During a consequent treatment with me his body told me, through the muscle testing feedback, about the scar. I would never have seen it because it was too small. I noticed that the scar was directly over the acupuncture point CO1. This is the first point on the colon meridian in acupuncture and can greatly influence the bowel. The scar was treated and the body was satisfied that the problem would be fixed. Within a month most of Jim’s pain and irritation had gone. Within three months he was symptom free and has stayed that way.

2. Meridians and sugar balance  a. Balance the 12 meridian pulses

b. Balance the sugar pulses (liver, adrenals, pancreas)

    1. The pancreas reflex point 
These techniques enable the BodyTalk practitioner to balance the meridians of the body according to the priority set by the body. It only takes a few minutes and can have dramatic affect on the whole bodymind system. The effect of balancing the meridians is well documented in acupuncture, which achieves the same thing only with needles.

3. Organs

a. Specific treatment of the liver, gall bladder, stomach, heart, small intestine, colon, and bladder.

b. Linking the organs - (lungs, heart, liver, gall bladder, stomach, pancreas, small intestine, colon, kidney, bladder)

    1. Linking to the central nervous system. 
At this stage of the treatment we are entering into the main ‘physical medicine’ phase of the treatment. In this section the BodyTalk practitioner is balancing the relationship and synchronicity between the organs. They are also linked to the central nervous system to ensure a good nerve supply and to the heart to ensure good circulation both to the organ and within it. The basics of this section are covered in the book so that you will be able to perform simple balances that will profoundly affect the functioning of each of the organs. Case history: Ann had just been through two weeks of a bad virus and infection of the lung and upper respiratory tract. (She did not have BodyTalk for it!) Now she was complaining to a neighbor that she simply could not shake off the last of the illness. She had a cough and congestion in the lungs, constipation, tiredness, and headaches. The neighbor had attended the Module 1 BodyTalk workshop. She proceeded to give Ann a BodyTalk treatment that, among other things, balanced her lung to her colon and spleen. Her adrenals were also balanced to her liver. The recovery was dramatic. By the next day Ann was healthy.

Case History: Ken had chronic digestive problems, especially in digesting fats. He was always bloated and felt heavy and ‘stuck’ in the intestines. The BodyTalk system established that there was poor communication between is gall bladder and small intestine. After this was tapped out, the secretions from his gall bladder normalized and all symptoms disappeared.

To Chapter 9 Part 2 Top of Page
Reproduced with permission from John Veltheim,